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Outer Banks, NC

The Benefits of a HVAC Tune-Up

You HVAC system is a very important piece of equipment to have in your home, especially in the hot summer months. There are many things that can go wrong, and if something does, you will be stuck in the heat of the summer, which is not fun. Having a checkup done on your system every spring can give you peace of mind when the hot summer months come.

Benefits of Spring Tune-Up

Having your HVAC system tuned up in the early months of spring before it gets hot will reassure you that when the heat hits, your home will be nice and cool as well as comfortable. An annual tune-up can also help your HVAC system live longer. With a tune-up the whole system is cleaned which makes it run more efficiently. A tune-up also helps keep down some of the wear and tear that could happen to your unit. With the tune-up making your unit run more efficiently, it helps you save money in the long run, and the cleaned unit will cool faster.

Having your system checked before it gets hot helps save time and frustration. If you wait until it gets hot, both you and everyone else that waited to have a tune-up will have to wait longer, because there are only so many professionals available, and with everyone calling at the same time, it will take them longer to get to you. This could cause you to have to suffer in the heat of the hot summer months.

Without a spring tune-up, you and your family could be left to endure the heat because of an untimely breakdown. If that were to happen, a breakdown could cost you more money in one repair than having your system checked annually. A broken-down system could require a simple fix that doesn’t cost much, or it could have to be replaced entirely, which could become very costly.

So save yourself some frustration and money in the long run, and call to have your unit serviced as soon as possible. Don’t wait for the heat to set in and ruin your fun summer months. Call Air Handlers OBX today and have one of their professionals tune-up your unit so you can enjoy your fun in the sun, and then be able to relax in your cool house.



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Outer Banks Heating & Air
AirHandlers OBX
8788 Caratoke Highway
Harbinger, NC 27941
Phone: 252-491-8637
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