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Why Your Home or Vacation Rental Needs an Air Purification System

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The average person spends approximately 90% of life indoors. When you consider how much time we spend indoors, the quality of the air inside your home is just as important, if not more so, than outdoor air quality. An air purification system can help keep your home or vacation rental free from mold, bacteria, viruses, and harmful VOCs.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) believes that the air inside buildings is two to five time dirtier than the air outdoors. The air inside most homes is full of pollutants, dust, and germs. This can aggravate health problems including asthma, allergies, and other respiratory issues.

An air purification system removes particles from the air. This improves indoor air quality and reduces the chance of spreading germs from one family member to the next. When installed in a vacation rental, an air purification system protects your tenants and your property from the harmful effects of smoke, mold spores, and bacteria.

Prevent the Spread of Illness

Illnesses such as colds and flus often move from one family member to the next. An air purification system can prevent the spread of illness. The right system can capture as much as 99.97% of airborne germs. This significantly reduces the likelihood of spreading illness.

Eliminate Odors

Humans and pets create a lot of odors. From smoke, to last night’s fish dinner, an air purification system can help remove unpleasant odors from your home.

More Cost-Effective Than Portable Units

An air purification system cleans the air inside your entire home. This is a much better option than portable units, which are often expensive and only treat the air in 1 or 2 rooms. Purchasing a whole-house solution is far more cost-effective and efficient than buying a portable unit for each room.

Extends the Lifespan of Your HVAC System

The right air purification system significantly reduces the amount of dust and other airborne particles in your home. This reduces the amount of particles that end up in your HVAC system, extending its lifespan and improving its efficiency.

Quiet Operation

An air purification system cleans the air inside your home without ever being seen or heard. The system integrates seamlessly with your existing HVAC system and can remove up to 99% of airborne pollutants including pollen, mold spores, and bacteria.

Choosing an Air Purification System

When choosing an air purification system for your home or rental property, it’s important to consider your air quality needs. You should also consider ease of use, especially if you plan to install the system in your vacation rental.

Air Handlers OBX is proud to offer the Air Knight system. This air purification system effectively reduces odors, air pollutants, VOCs, smoke, mold, bacteria, and viruses from your home.

Our team mounts the Air Knight into your air conditioning and heating system air ducts, where problems usually start. During operation of the HVAC system, the Air Knight creates an Advanced Oxidation Process. This effectively removes particles from the air.

Please contact us for more information about our air purification system.




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Outer Banks Heating & Air
AirHandlers OBX
8788 Caratoke Highway
Harbinger, NC 27941
Phone: 252-491-8637
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