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Increase the Thermostat & Decrease the Cost: Lower Your OBX Heating Bill This Winter

Outer Banks HVAC Replacement

Winter means falling temperatures and rising heating costs — neither of which any Outer Banks homeowner is often prepared to manage. Deal with the increase in cost… or suffer in the cold: It’s not a pleasant, nor a fun decision. But perhaps, maybe this year, it’s not one you’ll have to make.

A typical heating bill will rise because of heat that escapes, thus causing the heating unit to run more than normal. But there are ways to help this pesky problem:

Consider five helpful tips from your Outer Banks HVAC specialist to increase your energy efficiency and decrease your too-high heating bill.

Though most require some initial investment, follow these tips, and you’ll see that not only will you better keep the warm air in in the winter time, but you’ll also keep the hot air out come summer.

  1. Seal Baseboards and Caulk Windows: This keeps air from coming in through the floorboards in your home and from cracks in the window.
  2. Weather-strip Doors: This keeps the cold air outside from coming into your house when the doors are closed.
  3. Wrap the water heater and ducts, insulate the pipes and change the filters: Pipes can cause heat to leave them before the heat ever gets into your home. Pipes that are not kept warm can also freeze causing them to burst.
  4. Door Sweep: Add door sweeps to rooms that you don’t use too often to help keep the heat where you really need it.
  5. Replace Old Thermostats with New High Technology Thermostats: Newer high-tech thermostats can help you save money by learning your habits and only running when it needs to.

Your Local Outer Banks HVAC Specialist

With these 5 tips and the help of your local Outer Banks HVAC specialist you can save a lot on your winter heating bill. So get started by calling Air Handlers OBX today and have one of their trained techs help you better understand ways to cut heating cost. Air Handlers OBX can help you with all your heating and cooling needs. Winter-proof your Outer Banks home today and save a lot of cash in the long run, while still staying warm.

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Outer Banks Heating & Air
AirHandlers OBX
8788 Caratoke Highway
Harbinger, NC 27941
Phone: 252-491-8637
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