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Is It Time for a Water Heater Service or Replacement?

Not sure if your water heater needs service or replacing? There are a few questions you can ask yourself to help you determine if your water heater needs service or if it needs replacing. When you are finished answering these questions the next step is calling your local plumber.

Questions To Ask Yourself about Your Water Heater

How long has it been since you last had your water heater serviced? Was it over a year ago?

  • This is important because some water main lines have a high mineral content. This causes build up in the water heater over time. This buildup can reduce the capacity of your water heater significantly.

Is there enough hot water to take a bath, wash the dishes, and run the washing machine at the same time?

  • If you do not have enough hot water to do all this, and you have not adjusted the temperature regulator recently, this could be a sign of a malfunction.

Does your water appear rusty?

  • If your water looks rusty there are two possible issues. There could be corrosion happening in the tank, or the sacrificial anode rod could be failing.

Have you noticed condensation around the tank?

  • This could be caused by faulty temperature relief valve or a leaking water tank.

Do you hear sounds coming from your water heater such as cracking or are the pipes banging?

  • This is often the result of excessive sediment build up in the bottom of your tank. This causes boiling water and makes noises.

Do you smell rotten eggs when you use water?

  • This means there could be bacteria in the tank sediment.

Water heaters usually last on average 6 to 8 years. Having your water heater serviced annually can help to extend the life of your tank. However, if you notice any of the issues listed above, you need to call your local plumber to have it serviced immediately. If you do not have it serviced it can turn into a bigger problem.

So if you think you need your water heater serviced or replaced call Air Handlers OBX today. Air Handlers OBX has trained professionals that will be able to help you with all your water heater needs. Don’t wait until it is too late and have a simple, easy-to-repair problem turn into a bigger problem that may require you to have to replace your tank.


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Outer Banks Heating & Air
AirHandlers OBX
8788 Caratoke Highway
Harbinger, NC 27941
Phone: 252-491-8637
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