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HVAC Buying Tips for Homeowners


Replacing an HVAC system can be a major expense. It’s important to know as much as you can before purchasing a system. A quality HVAC system should be able to keep your home comfortable without costing you a fortune on your energy bills. The following HVAC buying tips can help.

Choosing the Right Furnace

It might be difficult to think about purchasing a furnace during the summer. However, the furnace is an extremely important part of any HVAC system.

Fuel-burning furnaces are an excellent choice for homes in the Outer Banks. These systems use a blower fan to pull cool air from your home. This cool air passes through a heat exchanger and travels out the ducts, effectively warming your home.

Even though all fuel-burning furnaces contain the same basic components, their energy efficiency can vary greatly. The type of air handler used by the furnace can give you an idea of how efficient the system will be.

There are three types of air handlers available today. Single-stage air handlers are typically found in older systems. These use the most power, making them the least energy efficient. Two-stage air handlers have both a high and a low setting. This type of air handler can save energy when the lowest setting is used. Modulating air handlers are the most energy efficient type of air handler. These innovative systems are able to select the most energy efficient speed required to heat your home, saving you money on your energy bills.

Choosing an Air Conditioning Unit

An air conditioner uses special refrigerant to collect heat from inside your home and carry it outside. The cold refrigerant travels through the evaporator coil, absorbing heat from the air and turning moisture into water. The dehumidified cool air is then blown out through the ducts, effectively cooling your home.

Like furnaces, the energy efficiency of air conditioning units varies. The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) can tell you how energy efficient a system is. For the best results, you should select a system with a SEER no lower than 16.

Getting Your Ductwork in Shape

When choosing a new HVAC system, it’s important to ensure that your ductwork is in good working order. No matter how energy efficient your system is, it won’t be able to work properly without a good quality duct system.

Air Handlers OBX can help you choose an HVAC system for your home. We offer quality HVAC service and repair. Please contact us for more information about our services or call 252-421-9786.

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Outer Banks Heating & Air
AirHandlers OBX
8788 Caratoke Highway
Harbinger, NC 27941
Phone: 252-491-8637
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